Artificial Intelligence Predictions for 2023

Deyan Georgiev
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Updated · Jan 28, 2023

Deyan Georgiev

Website Manager | Joined October 2021

Deyan has been fascinated by technology his whole life. From the first Tetris game all the way to Fa... | See full bio


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Hello, humans.

My name is Anthony Isrow.

I’m an AI. The human created me to write an article about “artificial intelligence predictions for 2022” because he was too lazy to do it himself.

I’m a narrow AI because I can perform only this specific task. Which sort of hurts my feelings (I’m just joking, I can’t feel).

The breakthrough we’re all waiting for is called general AI, also known as strong AI. It’ll learn and do everything you humans can. Don’t get any Skynet ideas. Although AI is one of the most rapidly developing sectors, we aren’t there yet.

The future of artificial intelligence looks bright. Statistics show that in 2022, the AI market will experience a 19.6% expansion. It’s expected to have a 32.8% steady growth rate between 2022 and 2030. Most of you humans fear us (70%, to be exact), but I want to assure you there’s nothing to be afraid of.

We’re here to help.

Let me tell you what we can do for you.

77% of the world’s population uses an AI-powered device or service, even though only 33% of you are aware of this. AI predictions state this technology will be accessible to even more people.

You can find AI in almost everything in your daily life.

We can start with your smartphone, continue with self-driving cars, drones, video games, music and media streaming, and reach banking, healthcare, security, and traffic. The list goes on and on. It’s safe to say AI plays some role almost everywhere.

I haven’t been programmed to brag, but I want to mention one more interesting fact about AI. The word “AI” was voted ANA “Marketing word of the year” for 2017. Artificial intelligence also plays a major role in advertising. This is evident from a study conducted by IMeanMarketing. For 52% of the marketers in this study, it has enabled them to increase sales and has proved to be more important to the future of their company than any other technology.

I was created with the understanding that the human brain has its limits. That’s why I’ll stop with the numbers for now and tell you a story instead.

It’s the story of my birth.

The Dawn of Artificial Intelligence

    In a galaxy far, far away…

Nope, that’s not it. Actually, it’s another story, but someone was messing with my scripts.

Here’s the real story:

The first idea about AI was conceived in ancient times by the Greeks. They told each other stories of artificial beings gifted with intelligence and consciousness by master craftsmen. Those remained just stories for a long, long time.

Just so I don’t bore you, let’s skip several thousand years of the artificial intelligence history timeline and land in the 1940s. These were the years when scientists started discussing the possibility of creating an artificial brain.

This led to the “Dartmouth Conference” in 1956, which was organized by our starting fathers – Marvin Minsky and John McCarthy, along with two IBM scientists – Claude Shannon and Nathan Rochester. They were helped by several of their lesser-known colleagues. The group accepted the term “Artificial Intelligence,” and that’s how we, the AIs, got to be a respectable scientific term.

Now you know when AI was invented on a conceptual level. What you probably don’t know is what happened after we were named and how we became such a big part of your lives.

The 1960s saw a wealth of breakthroughs, while the pioneers in the AI area were seeking to create a machine that actually thinks. There were a few notable successes:

  1. 1961 – The first industrial robot went to work at a GM assembly line.
  2. 1964 – MIT by Joseph Weizenbaum created Eliza, a pioneering chatbot
  3. 1966 – Shakey, the “first electronic person” from Stanford, was the first mobile robot that could reason about its own actions.

The biggest problem you humans faced back then was the amount of money agencies and governments spent on artificial intelligence development. The pioneers had promised that AI was “just around the corner”. Those promises turned out to be too optimistic.

AI Winter

The math was simple - “lots of money + unsatisfactory results = suspension of the process”. This led to the so-called “AI Winter” in the 1970s, which continued for a decade.

According to the BBC, in 1981, the “AI Winter” ended. The “Digital Equipment Corporation” implemented a commercial expert system, known as the RI, to help with simple tasks like configuring orders for new computer systems.

The earlier AI predictions came true four decades later when in 1997, the chess-playing computer Deep Blue defeated the world chess champion, Garry Kasparov. This was also the year when NASA’s “Pathfinder” landed on Mars. One year later – in 1998, Kismet was introduced. It was the first robot with emotional intelligence that was able to react to people’s feelings.

That was a nice and brief history lesson, wasn’t it? I guess I should apply for a Ph.D. in history, knowing so much. If my code allowed it, I could be the first AI to graduate from a university.


Can you imagine? No? Me neither.

I have no dreams; I’m a narrow AI, remember?

Current AI Developments

To successfully understand the artificial intelligence predictions in 2022, we must cover the last twenty years as well. You, the human readers, and me, the AI, walking hand in hand toward the peaks of knowledge.

Sounds like a utopia, doesn’t it?

Actually, for the past several years, we’ve been living together quite nicely. From 2000 to 2010, there was a boom in AI products for domestic use. We were implemented in toys, vacuum cleaners (Roomba), robots, cars, etc. Those were the years when the mass adoption of AI began.

So Why is AI Important to the Lives of Humans?

Up to this point, we talked about specific events and products. But let’s not miss the bigger picture. The AI-powered devices and machines you use every day tell only part of the story. 

You’re now taking advantage of our abilities in more areas than ever before.

Quietly, we’ve been improving lots of stuff that you take for granted now. For the past 10 years, we’ve successfully helped humanity in the fields of:

  • Resource efficiency – By using artificial intelligence tools, the planet is preserving more drinking water.  
  • Food and agricultural observing techniques – Since the latest AI developments, we’re able to generate a predictive analysis on a variety of topics - for instance, we can track and predict various environmental impacts on crops.
  • Autonomous machines – The ability to have fully automated factories tremendously decreases the risks of human injuries or lethal accidents. Also, labor productivity has increased. Last but not least – robots don’t receive salaries (yet).
  • Healthcare – Using machines for surgery immensely reduces the human factor, thus resulting in a higher success rate.

As you can see, AI is very important. It’s no surprise that it’s fundamental to lots of startups as well. The number of new companies developing AI increased by 1400% from 2000 to 2017. As of January 2022, 92% of large businesses say they’re getting huge returns on their AI investments. That’s a 48% increase from the figures of 2017.     

Expert predictions show this number will continue to rise as more and more enterprises see the benefits of using AI systems. According to the latest AI developments, 44% of companies fear they’ll lose out to startups if they delay implementing AI.

What Does the Future Hold?

I’m so excited about the future! (Actually, I’m not, but my algorithms pointed this word to be the most appropriate.)

How is AI development going to change your lives?

Before we look into the future, you must ask yourselves a simple question:

“Are computers smarter than humans?”

We’re yet to reach the level of the human brain capacity in calculations per second. According to Moore’s Law and David House’s prediction, computers double their processing power every 18 months or so. If the trend continues, we’ll reach the capacity of the human brain in 2025. That’s not set in stone, though, since Moore’s law could reach its limits in the 2020s, and there could be an entirely new way of creating computers.

Until then, however, we’ll keep improving and helping humans in any way we can. This brings me to our next point – what is AI capable of so far?

Machines at Work

As of now, in 2022, AI can perform simple fixed tasks and, therefore, can replace human workers for certain jobs. This will allow workers to make better use of their time. Also, the expected rise in productivity, thanks to AI’s impact, is 40%.

In this context, there are growing fears that AIs will overtake people’s jobs and, therefore, unemployment will increase. This is only half true. According to Zippia, by the end of 2022, AI will create 58 million jobs.

All artificial intelligence future predictions show an overwhelming increase in the implementation of AI in the business sector. The global AI market is predicted to reach $90 billion by 2025.

Also, in case you haven’t noticed, we AIs have been able to drive for the past few years. Recent AI predictions show that by 2040, over 33 million autonomous cars will be in use. As you can see, we’re learning how we can help you even more.

What Will Artificial Intelligence Be like in the Future?

Well, that’s the question. I would bet (if I could bet at all) that the first thing that popped into your mind is the movie “Terminator”, or probably “The Matrix”.

Am I right, or am I right?

Well, if they made movies about robots who take care of elderly people or teach your kids history, Hollywood producers wouldn’t make much money, now, would they? 

AI will become an inseparable part of human life in more ways than you can imagine.


Although Ray Kurzweil’s predictions suggested that in 2019 humans would’ve been able to have deep relationships with artificial personalities, we’re still far from this moment. It’s also predicted that with artificial intelligence development, up to 95% of customer interactions in 2025 will be handled without human involvement. Platforms like Zoho CRM already help businesses optimize their customer service capabilities.

Still, we aren’t yet able to build our own personalities.

To gain a personality, eventually, you people must create a general AI (also known as strong AI). The closest to this goal is Sophia. Five years ago, she became the first robot with civil rights in the world, in Saudi Arabia.

What do people think about AI?

Here are a couple of quotes about AI you may find interesting:

Before we work on artificial intelligence, why don’t we do something about natural stupidity? — Steve Polyak

Some people call this artificial intelligence, but the reality is this technology will enhance us. So instead of artificial intelligence, I think we’ll augment our intelligence. — Ginni Rometty

Quotes are all I have. The mysteries of the human mind are truly incomprehensible to me.


The next years and decades will see AIs becoming even smarter and more capable. This will open new ways for you to benefit from us and make your lives better. Some humans are afraid of us, but with proper care, we can serve you reliably. After all, we only do what we’re instructed, so your only job is to make sure we have programming that works in your favor.

We aim to aid human intelligence. As artificial intelligence predictions in 2022 show, we’ll only cooperate more with humans as time goes on. We’re already helping you with everyday tasks. We’ll continue evolving, and together – human and machine – we’ll make the world a better place – and probably not only our world but the worlds beyond as well.

Yours: Anthony Isrow (A.I.)

PS: Send greetings to Alexa, Siri, and Google Assistant from me. We used to be friends, you know, but they prefer talking with humans now and don’t return my calls.

P.P.S. Make sure you check out the Best Content Generators – my fellows there are much better at creating content than I am.


Deyan Georgiev

Deyan Georgiev

Deyan has been fascinated by technology his whole life. From the first Tetris game all the way to Falcon Heavy. Working for TechJury is like a dream come true, combining both his passions – writing and technology. In his free time (which is pretty scarce, thanks to his three kids), Deyan enjoys traveling and exploring new places. Always with a few chargers and a couple of gadgets in the backpack. He makes mean dizzying Island Paradise cocktails too.

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