What Is a Modular PSU? Everything You Need to Know in 2023!

Raj Vardhman
close Raj Vardhman

Updated · Apr 28, 2023

Raj Vardhman

Chief Strategist | Joined January 2023 |

Raj Vardhman is a tech expert and the Chief Strategist at TechJury.net, where he leads the research-... | See full bio


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Most PC users focus on choosing high-end CPU, GPU, and RAM before anything else, but rare are those that understand that you should always pick the right PSU first.

Thus, the first questions you should be asking yourself are: “What is a modular PSU?” and “How is a modular PSU better than a non-modular one?”

Keep on reading as we answer both questions below.

What Does Modular Mean on a Power Supply?

First things first: What is a modular PSU?

Unlike the older PSU standard with pre-fused cables, modular PSUs come with some or all of their cables detached; therefore, you get the convenience of adding as many as you need after installing the PSU or replacing them if and when they fail.

That’s not all, either! PSUs with removable cables come in two versions: semi-modular and fully modular. While the former pre-installs only the essential cables that every system needs, the latter comes with no pre-attached cables whatsoever.

source: hardwaresfera.com

Did you know: If your power supply is insufficient to power all your components, your system will keep shutting down!

Modular vs Non-Modular PSU

In general, modular PSUs are much better than their more traditional counterparts, but non-modular units still have the benefit of being the cheaper option. That said, let’s compare all three types from different angles:


Fully Modular




Clean and efficient

Braided cables

Cluttered and messy

Power Efficiency

Up to 80 Plus Titanium

Up to 80 Plus Silver

Up to 80 Plus Bronze


Excellent airflow

Decent airflow

Very poor airflow


Optimal temperature

Requires cable management

Higher than expected


Include a 0db fan mode

Might produce annoying noise

Quite loud


Convenient cable replacement and PSU installation

Fewer cables to unplug when removing the PSU

Very inconvenient


May require larger cases

Average-to-large size

Fits into most PSU cases


Premium option

For standard builds

For budget builds

As you can see, modular PSUs are better in most respects as they deliver cleaner power, look better, reduce your temps, and are much more convenient.

That said, you should really save up some money to get a modular PSU since you will not only avoid a cluttered mess of unsleeved cables in а flurry of colors but also get an efficient unit that will reduce your monthly electricity bills to an extent.

Note: The efficiency of PSUs is not based on their cable setup but rather on the quality of their internal components. Manufacturers simply couple their highly-efficient and expensive PSUs with modular cable setups, which is also considered a premium option.

Pros of Modular PSUs

Modular PSUs are the best power supply option due to a slew of benefits:

  1. Better cable management—since you are able to use only the cables you need, you can route them better, thus achieving a neater clutter-free interior;
  2. Increased airflow—fewer cables means more and better airflow, which in turn leads to cooler components and better PC performance;
  3. Beautiful cable esthetics—more expensive modular PSUs come with high-quality braided cables or even premium individually-sleeved ones;
  4. Easier to remove—replacing a single cable or uninstalling the PSU is quite straightforward since you can detach one or all cables;
  5. Quicker parts replacement—upgrading your machine is easier than ever since you can easily reach, unplug, remove, and replace individual parts at any time.

Cons of Modular PSUs

Despite all their advantages, modular PSUs have a couple of drawbacks:

  1. More expensive—as a rule of thumb, modular PSUs come at a steeper price since manufacturers use the modular design in their better-performing units;
  2. Larger than expected—modular PSUs include extra cabling and ports to allow for detachable cables, so they are inherently larger in size;
  3. Slightly complicated to install—the installation process is somewhat more complex for beginners as they may be confused as to where each cable goes.

When Should You Go for a Modular PSU?

In all honesty, you should always go for a modern modular PSU since the benefits far outweigh the cons: you get a quieter, better-looking, and more efficient PC.

That said, there are a couple of scenarios where opting for a cheaper unit with soldered cables might make sense in your specific circumstances.

For instance, when building a server, you’re better off with non-modular PSUs since they use less power, and you won’t have to look at or manage them regularly. Also, builders on a very tight budget may have no choice but to buy a cheaper PSU.

Bottom Line

As you see, the only real downside of owning a modular PSU is the higher price tag, which more than justifies all the perks you are getting. After all, your power supply is the heart of your system, and you want it to pump clean power at all times. However, modular PSUs go a step further by offering better air circulation and much better cable management too!


What does a modular power supply mean?

As the name implies, modular power supplies come with the convenience of modularity by making some or all of their cables detachable and replaceable.

What does a semi-modular power supply mean?

Semi-modular power supplies sit between modular and non-modular PSUs as they come with the basic system cables permanently attached, such as those for the motherboard and the CPU, thus allowing you to add as many additional cables as you can need.

What is a fully modular power supply?

What is a modular PSU with fully removable cables, then? As the name suggests, this type of power supply allows you to remove and replace (if needed) all its cables.


Raj Vardhman

Raj Vardhman

Raj Vardhman is a tech expert and the Chief Strategist at TechJury.net, where he leads the research-driven analysis and testing of various technology products and services. Raj has extensive tech industry experience and contributed to various software, cybersecurity, and artificial intelligence publications. With his insights and expertise in emerging technologies, Raj aims to help businesses and individuals make informed decisions regarding utilizing technology. When he's not working, he enjoys reading about the latest tech advancements and spending time with his family.

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