Email Marketing Stats: The Power of Email in 2023

Darina Lynkova
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Updated · Jan 12, 2023

Darina Lynkova

AI And Web Design Specialist | Joined October 2021

Darina is a proud Ravenclaw and a fan of Stephen King. She enjoys being a part of an awesome team of... | See full bio


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Did you know the first email was sent in 1971? Wow, right?

In comparison, the 1st iPhone was introduced in 2007.

Time flies when you are… sending out emails!

Although email marketing is one of the oldest forms of digital marketing, it has a very high success rate. According to marketers, it can still develop further in the years to come.

Tasty Email Marketing Stats

  • Email marketing has a ROI of 3200%
  • 28% of customers would like to receive promotional emails more than once a week
  • $1 you spend on email marketing, you can expect an average return of $32
  • There will be 4.6 billion email users by 2025.
  • You are 6 times more likely to get a click-through from an email marketing campaign than you are from a tweet.
  • 86% of professionals say email is their preferred mean of business communication.
  • Open rate is highest when companies send two emails per month

If using email still seems outdated and somewhat quaint to you, here are some email statistics that are definitely going to change your mind.

Let’s get started:

1. 87% of marketers plan to invest more money in their email marketing budget.

(Source: Email on Acid)

Researchers are certain that using email marketing will help you grow your business. You can dominate your niche for as long as you keep certain email marketing truths and facts in mind.

How about that:

2. There will be 4.6 billion email users by 2025!

(Source: Statista)

The 2022 email marketing statistics further prove email marketing’s importance as an advertising and community-building method.

They reveal that the number of email users is expected to climb to 4.6 billion by 2025. As much as messaging and chatting apps are gaining prominence, people, especially businesses, still need email for (official) communication. It’s useful for a number of things—promotions, nurturing partnerships, cold calling, launching invitations, keeping in touch with clients, etc.

The worldwide usage of email is enormous. As a result, the possibilities are endless.

Most importantly, emails have the power and potential to increase conversion rates by over 50%!

3. Customers prefer to receive special offers, promos and vouchers, and newsletters.

(Source: Email on Acid)

In that order. Which means you have a great variety of options to pick from and you can’t go wrong with either.

4. Daily email volumes will reach 376.4 billion by 2025.

(Source: Statista, Validity)

Email marketing isn’t dying any time soon—no doubt about it.

Industry experts predict the daily number of sent/received emails will continue to grow exponentially in the coming years as well. Here are some illuminating emailing statistics estimates:

  • 2023—about 347.3 billion
  • 2024—around 361.6 billion
  • 2025—roughly 376.4 billion

So expect to see more personalized email content from B2B marketers going forward. Also, the richer interactive text is set to be the “in” trend in 2022.

5. Insightful marketing stats show there is a perfect time for every type of email you wish to send.

(Source: Email on Acid)

If your firm is promoting financial services — the best moment to reach your customers is between 2 and 3 pm — the post-lunch period is your best shot!

Also, the best days to send your marketing emails are Tuesday and Thursday.

In the late afternoon, 5-7 pm, your prospects are most likely to open any vacation promotions you have to offer. The email usage stats point out daydreaming of the seaside with a cocktail is quite popular among most people during that time of day.  This will provide an incentive for them to open most promotions of this type.

And if you wish to send out some promotions or vouchers for clothes and special interests — the best time to do that is in the evening, when everyone is enjoying their personal time at home.  

6. 79% of B2B marketers say email is the ideal method for distributing content. 

(Source: Optinmonster)

79% of B2B professionals use email newsletters to distribute information.

What’s important to know here is that B2B email open rates point to a higher (23%) click-through rate. Not only that, but 59% of advertisers state that’s their top channel for income generation.

7. For every $1 you spend on email marketing, you can expect an average return of $36.

(Source: Small Business Computing)

This gigantic difference between investment and return is mindblowing. Email marketing ROI is one of the most significant numbers in email metrics, crucial to your company's positive revenue.

Specific email marketing stats can present you with a gold mine of information. The open rate of emails based on when they were delivered can give you some idea of how to optimize your ROI. The time said emails were actually opened can provide further insights.

8. You are 6 times more likely to get a click-through from an email campaign than you are from a tweet.

(Source: Campaign Monitor)

Using email will help you reach a wider audience. Considering the high email ROI, your business can have a great advantage in its fiеld. Including a video in your email will further boost your ROI.  

Video emailing marketing statistics show only 25% of email marketers include a video in their emails. If you make the step now, you will have an edge over your competition. Adding a video to your email can even act as a direct substitute for a salesperson.  

9. Email stats show 83% of B2B marketers use email newsletters for content marketing.

(Source: Content Marketing Institute)

The social media has definitely not killed the miracle of email and it is not likely to do so in the near future. On the contrary – email marketing facts show 28% of customers would actually prefer to receive promotional emails more often.  

86% of customers would like to receive promotional letters at least monthly, and 14% — daily. According to statistics, we can expect an increase of 3% per year in email usage.

It gets better:

10. If you personalize your email, you can get up to 760% revenue increase.

(Source: Campaign Monitor)

Now we are talking! Chances are most of your competitors have already customized their emails or are on their way of doing so. 94% of professionals say the best way to meet company expectations is to personalize your content.

Besides personalization, the other thing that works like a charm for open rates is automation.

Automated emails generate 320% more revenue than traditional emails. These numbers might sound superlative now but not when you compare the open and click-through rates of automated message types.

11. Triggered and Autoresponders are the best message types for good open rates with open rates of 46.53% and 33.05%, respectively.

(Source: GetResponse) 

Not just that, triggered with 10.98% and autoresponder with 6.72% click-through rate are also the better message types for CTR compared to traditional forms like newsletters and RSS according to the GetResponse email marketing benchmark report.

12. The UK has the highest email opening rates.

(Source: Campaign Monitor)

Let’s see what the 2022 email open stats disclose.

Apparently, the UK region (includes England, Wales, North Ireland, and Scotland) boasts the highest open rate—22.9%.

The Asian-Pacific region (APAC) comes second, with its 22.4% open rate. The EU is placed third, having 22.1%.

The Americas (AMER region, including North, Central, and South America) are left last with almost 2% less than the top place (21%).

13. At 28.5%, education has the highest email open rate.

(Source: Campaign Monitor)

What’s more, education also takes the lead regarding click-through and click-to-open rates, with 4.4% and 15.7%, respectively.

Other top performing industries are Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing, and Hunting with a collective of 27.3%, Financial Services with 27.1%, and Non-profits with 26.6%.

Email statistics pinpoint the averages as follows:

  • open rate—21.5%
  • click-through rate—2.3%
  • click-to-open rate—10.5%

14. Mobile phones with Mail Protection Privacy (MPP) have a higher open rate than those without.

(Source: Campaign Monitor)

Late last year, Apple’s iOS 5 release saw a 2% rise in email opening rate. 

And it's easy to see why. It came with the MPP.

The security feature pre-fetches emails and artificially marks them as read. That way, it disables tracking by marketers and artificially inflates open rates but gives users more control over their inboxes.

15. If your email is not optimized for mobile, 80% of the target audience will delete it.

(Source: Bluehornet/ Leighton Interactive)

Mobile email users are picky like that. If you want to take full advantage of this marketing medium, make sure your emails are mobile-friendly.

Fun fact:

Did you know iPhones are the most common devices used to open an email for the first time?

16. Making sure your emails can be read on a mobile device pays off in the long run.

(Source: Campaign Monitor)

To make your emails mobile-ready, you don’t have to hire an expensive team of experts. Ready-to-use, mobile-friendly email templates do exist to help you with that.

It’s also worth putting extra effort into the Subject line of your emails. If you personalize the Subject line, you will get greater open rate stats. One more thing - keep the message shorter, as it would otherwise get cut after the 30th symbol on a mobile device.

An excellent mobile marketing strategy will also make sure the landing page is mobile-friendly as well. Without that extra step, you have only won half the battle. Rest assured - preparing and sending highly engaging emails is cost-effective and will pay for itself sooner than you think.

17. Email vs. social media, which one’s better?

(Source: Small Business Computing)

Well, that depends.

If you’re looking for good ROI, email wins this race. Email marketing statistics for 2022 unveil that you’ll get a cool $36 back for every dollar you spend!

When it comes to engagement and raising awareness, however, social media wins hands down. Posts on this avenue can go viral quickly, reaching a much wider audience.

18. Improving your email marketing efforts pays off in the long run.

(Source: Constant Contact)

Email marketing statistics indicate the significance of the medium on a global scale is colossal. Its impact on business is still larger than that of the most popular social networks put together.

In a nutshell, there are a few improvements, which every company can make. They will increase significantly your next email campaign’s open rate.

Here are some of the key action steps you can take:

  • Personalizing email is crucial, and so is optimizing for mobile. Checking up on your email campaign statistics is vital to your revenue as well, as it allows you to make adjustments as you go along.
  • Segmented and targeted emails will generate 58% of your revenue. Getting to know what your target audience wants will take some time, but if you know your email marketing stats it should be way easier.
  • Optimizing the email mobile version will not only help open more emails but will result in even higher email marketing ROI.
  • Companies who send out customer newsletter receive the best open rate stats. Devising one for your business might be well worth the effort.

Being aware of these email marketing stats and incorporating the best strategies I’ve suggested can take your company to the next level. Of course, nothing substitutes hard work and dedication - these qualities are invaluable to any success you might have.

Now you know how to put them to good use.

Until next time!


Darina Lynkova

Darina Lynkova

Darina is a proud Ravenclaw and a fan of Stephen King. She enjoys being a part of an awesome team of tech writers who are having a ball writing techie articles. She also loves board games and a pint of lager. Currently, she is finishing her second master’s degree, at Vrije University, Brussels (Linguistics and Literature!) while headbanging on quality progressive metal…and banging her head with the intricacies of progressive technologies like AI and deep learning.

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