47 PPC Stats to Empower Your Marketing Strategy in 2023

Deyan Georgiev
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Updated · Feb 07, 2023

Deyan Georgiev

Website Manager | Joined October 2021

Deyan has been fascinated by technology his whole life. From the first Tetris game all the way to Fa... | See full bio


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28 years ago, several events took place and forever changed the course of history.

  • The Channel Tunnel connected France and England.
  • Sun Microsystems released the Java programming language.
  • Netscape Navigator became the most-used browser.
  • The first online ad appeared.
  • As of 2022, Google owns 92.48% of the global search market share.

Yeah, back in 1994, there was only one ad.

Are you ready for some more PPC stats?

Wait, what is PPC?

The acronym stands for pay-per-click. In general, most of the ads you see all over the Web and apps are PPC. If companies want to advertise on any platform, they pay for each visitor the platform redirects toward their sales funnel.

The first online advertisement was part of AT&T’s “You Will” campaign in 1994.

Now there are billions of ads.

Alright, let’s look into some interesting PPC statistics to help you improve your marketing strategy in 2022.

The following stats will show you some breath-taking details about PPC you probably didn’t suspect.

Let’s start with some appetizers before we dig into the main course.

Worth-to-know PPC Stats

  • As of 2021, Google owns 92% of the global search market share.
  • Paid advertisements have a 200% ROI.
  • PPC generates twice the number of visitors compared to SEO.
  • Ads can increase brand awareness by 80%.
  • 65% of customers click on PPC ads.
  • 93% of Americans use the Web to find local businesses.
  • In 2022, 54% of ad expenditures will be online.

These PPC statistics are just the tip of the iceberg.

Still, they’re enough to grasp the importance and significance of paid ads.

Did you know that the average internet user is exposed to 4,000-10,000 ads daily, according to different studies?

Yes, we are bombarded with tailored content.

You probably don’t give this much thought, but now that you have the number in front of you - it’s astonishing!

It’s safe to say ads are all around us.

It’s not rocket science to understand how the advertisement business reached those heights.

With every passing year, the digital population of the world (netizens) increases. So does the number (and scope) of the advertising platforms.

26 years ago you could only find ads on websites. Today we have YouТube, applications, search engines, and so on. Ads are everywhere!

Let’s create order from this chaos by looking at some of the newest PPC statistics.

Eye-Opening PPC Stats for 203

Keen to build a successful PPC campaign throughout 2023? 

There are lots of things you can do. 

Wanna know some tips and tricks? 

Dive into these PPC stats for more insight!

1. Customers are up to 70% more likely to buy your product when you use retargeting.

(Source: Web FX)

Based on these PPC stats in 2022, you really can’t afford not to include remarketing in your overall PPC strategy.

But what exactly is ‘remarketing’?

It’s when you reach out to those who already interacted with your website in some way. Google Analytics is a great tool for this, allowing you to segment your audience for the most effective campaign possible.

2. Over 50% of ad clicks happen on mobile devices.

(Source: Web FX)

Over 40% of online transactions now happen on mobile. But a surprisingly low number of businesses pay attention to mobile optimization and PPC strategies. And they go hand in hand. To maximize ROI for PPC campaign effectiveness, sites should be fast and functional on both mobile and desktop.

3. Conversion rates can be boosted beyond 40% by combining similar audiences with display remarketing campaigns.

(Source: Web FX)

Consider diversifying your audience on Facebook or Google ads for potentially better returns.


You can rely on the platforms for that. Most of the process is automated. Simply provide the data, and they will do the rest.

4. On average, SMBs invest between $9K and $10K on PPC monthly.

(Source: Web FX)

While this is a reliable estimate on how much you might expect to pay monthly for PPC in 2022, it isn’t a fixed figure. You’ll need to evaluate both your own budget, and whether your sector is among the best industries for PPC. If you decide to do your own campaign, the average Google PPC cost may be considerably lower.

5. Featuring over 2 million websites, the Google Display Network is the leading PPC player.

(Source: Google Ads)

These figures refer to the number of businesses and websites which are part of the Google search and ad display network. It’s also worth noting that Google owns 92% of the search engine market, including both paid and organic search. Display campaigns alone reach over 90% of all internet users around the world. 94% of them are US-based.

6. Customers are 155% more likely to search for brand-specific terms when exposed to display ads.

(Source: SERP Watch)

Additionally, 40% of all clicks on the first page of a search engine are for the top three ads at the top, according to recent PPC statistics in 2022.

7. 9.21% of Facebook ads convert, making it the highest converting platform available.

(Source: SERP Watch)

You might assume that Google is the king of conversions.


Google only experiences 3.46% conversions.

Facebook, on the other hand, has 9.21% of ad conversion. That's why it has such a mind-blowing ad revenue.

Average business websites lag behind, with a mere 1 to 3%.


For the last several years, there's been a debate - what is better? PPC or SEO?

Coming up are the stats that reveal the answer.

SEO vs PPC Statistics for 2023

Unsure whether to use PPC or SEO?

There’s a couple of things to consider.

If you have a large budget and want instant results, you might want to use PPC. The opportunities for displaying ads across the web are virtually endless! Just be sure to check PPC cost per industry to make sure it’s worth the investment.

Alternatively, if you’re looking for something which can generate results in the background, SEO is the way to go. Here are some SEO vs PPC statistics to help you make the right choice.

8. PPC generates twice the number of visitors compared to SEO.


If you’re just starting out in business, and lack good traffic or brand visibility, PPC comes to the rescue. Results generated are instant, drawing in twice as many visitors, compared to SEO. However, as you might have seen from various PPC advertising stats, it’s not the cheapest option.

9. The average agency charges between £2K and £4K (about $2.55K-$5.11K) for a mid-level SEO campaign. 

(Source: One PPC)

PPC can be even more expensive.

If your budget is tight, SEO might be a better option. Do keep in mind that it takes time to see results.

10. B2B PPC stats indicate that the average yearly cost for this service is between $115K-$122K.

(Source: Search Engine Land)

If this sounds too expensive for you, you could always opt for SEO instead, which for a one-off project fee, costs between £4,000 and £24,000. However, based on your objectives, PPC might be the best option for you. It’s all down to your budget.

11. PPC takes around 3 weeks to learn, while basic SEO can take up to 3 months.

(Source: BetterSEO)

And this is just for the basics. Learning advanced SEO takes even longer.

No matter which you choose, you’re going to need to invest a decent amount of time to get anywhere with either. You can’t simply upload PPC ads, then achieve instant results without doing any background work. Optimizing ads to use low CPC while achieving a high CTR is an art in itself.

12. SEO works around the clock, but if you stop investing in a PPC campaign, your traffic will fall to zero.


For PPC to work well, you need to pay attention to it constantly,  SEO vs PPC stats tell us.

SEO allows for free time. Even if you stop working on your SEO campaign for a short while, you’ll still get traffic. Moreover, SEO statistics show 82% of marketers notice a rise in SEO effectiveness.

13. 94% of users skip search ads and go straight to organic results.

(Source: Rank Pay)

We’re not saying that SEO is a better technique than PPC. In fact, when a PPC campaign exists in the top 3 results, users are more likely to be engaged.

But SEO has stats on its side. 94% of users actually head straight to the organic results and skip search ads.

14. While SEO only improves visibility on 2-3 search engines, PPC ads’ visibility is endless.

(Source: Search Engine Land)

Thanks to services like Google Ads, users can manage exactly where their ads will appear, giving them tighter control over their campaigns.

Of course, there are some factors affecting ad placement that need to be considered. Advertising statistics data from 2022 tell us the main points to think about are budget, target audience, and the type of ad.

15. Bing has a low average CPC -  just $1.54.

(Source: Word Stream)

Looking to test new markets using PPC? Consider Bing.

With SEO, serious time and effort are required when testing your brand on a new audience. Using PPC is essentially a shortcut, which can get you instant exposure. Just be sure to use the right search terms and try and achieve the best quality links possible.


These stats are just the tip of the iceberg.

Let's check out some more fascinating PPC stats to show you how big it actually is.

General Pay-Per-Click Statistics

When used correctly, PPC is a powerful marketing tool, especially if you know your target audience well.

16. At the end of 2021, 82% of Google’s revenue came from Google Ads.

(Source: Search Engine Land)

On July 24, 2018, Google AdWords changed its name to Google Ads. However, this wasn’t only a name change. Google Ads is now responsible for all ad channels—including AdSense and YouTube Commercials.

So what do the 2022 PPC stats tell us? The latest Google data we have came in February 2022. The company released its earnings report from the previous year, revealing that Google Ads contributed 82% of its Q4 2021 revenue.

17. 96% of marketers spend money on search ads.

(Source: The State of PPC, Hanapin Marketing)

Search ads are still the best way to reach customers. Still, social media ads are on the rise and gaining ground. An overwhelming 88% of marketers advertise on social media. According to 89% of them, remarketing is the best option to reach customers.

18. 62% of marketers increased their PPC budgets last year.

(Source: Search Marketing)

Advertising is at the core of digital marketing strategies. Every company aims to grow and therefore invests more of its budget on ads. Almost two out of every five interviewees responded their ads budget is now “much bigger.”

19. Digital ad spend will account for more than 60% of the global ad revenue in 2022.

(Source: Zenith Media)

Let us wow you with the following advertising statistics for 2022! This year, digital ad spending will account for 61.5% of marketing budgets. By 2024, it will rise to 65.1%.

In 2022, the segment’s overall growth will amount to 9.1%. It will further expand by 5.7% (2023) and 7.4% (2024).

Dollar-wise, global expenditure on advertising will hit $873 billion by 2024—$239 billion more than in 2019!

20. Ads can boost brand awareness by 80%.

(Source: Valve+Meter)

If you want to improve your visibility, PPC links allow you to “buy” your way into the search results. The more people see your brand, the more likely it is they’ll interact with it. PPC increases brand awareness by an average of 80%. Keep in mind that for some brands, this can be higher still.

21. 65% of consumers click on PPC ads.

(Source: WordLead)

According to PPC stats, paid advertisements redirect 65% of the traffic. Organic results receive only 35% of clicks. When customers have made a buying decision, paid ads convert better. If you don’t have a well-optimized PPC campaign right now, you are simply missing out.

22. In 2022, 97% of people use the Web to find local businesses.

(Source: Safari Digital)

The internet makes finding places or businesses super easy. Plus, it has reviews to help you make an informed decision. So it wouldn’t be a surprise also to report that 54% of people search the internet for local listings every month, while 12% use it daily.

23. Google controls 91.88% of the global search engine market.

(Source: Statcounter)

Other search engines (e.g., Yahoo and Bing) are not even in the same league. If you want to advertise online, Google’s PPC is your best option.


Alphabet’s search engine is the most preferred and used worldwide, with minor exceptions, such as in China (the Chinese are huge fans of Baidu but still use Google sporadically).

PPC Statistics for Businesses

Let’s see how PPC ads interact with people and the effects they can achieve.

24. 52% of online shoppers call the advertiser.

(Source: PPC Resellers)

PPC ads often propel consumers to call the advertiser, directly from the search results.

25. PPC converts 50% better.

(Source: Unbounce)

Undoubtedly one of the pros of PPC advertising is the ability to better target your market. PPC traffic results in a 50% higher conversion rate, compared to organic link visitors.

PPC statistics are also effortless to evaluate, and metrics like ROI and budget are easier to manage.

26. About 928.5 million people are reached by Instagram ads.

(Source: Hootsuite) 

The ad statistics for Instagram are huge. Statistics show that out of the one billion active users on the platform, ads get to about 928.5 million people. 655.8 million users from that number are between 13 and 34 years.

27. 92% of Instagram users followed a brand, clicked on their website, or made a purchase on the platform.

(Source: Hootsuite) 

Instagram may not be at the forefront of pay per clicks statistics like Google and Facebook, but it can hold its own. More users are checking out brands that appeal to them on the platform. 84% of users are open to discovering local/small businesses or new products.

28. US brands will spend over $56 billion on social media ads by 2022.

(Source: Statista)

Advertising statistics in 2022 show brands in the US are not giving up on social ad campaigns. Social media marketing’s success means companies will spend more in the future. Facebook will continue to get the lion’s share of the profits by 80%. LinkedIn and Pinterest follow at 4% and 2%, respectively.

29. 84% of brands are pleased with the PPC market.

(Source: Search Marketing)

Overall, brands see good results from their PPC campaigns. 15% describe the outcome of their PPC efforts as “fair” and only 1% as “poor.”  

It comes as no surprise, then, that 79% of marketers believe PPC is essential for their company.

Financial PPC Stats - Budget, Cost, and ROI

PPC marketing is big business. 

Let's check out the numbers: 

30. The investments in PPC ads exceed $10.1 billion.

(Source: Social Media Today)

Crossing into 11-figures for the first time was a huge milestone for PPC. Digital ad statistics show there were 7 million advertisers who used PPC ads.

31. PPC ads return $2 for every dollar invested.

(Source: Wordlead)

This is probably the most important PPC stat for businesses.

The average ROI for Google Ads is a whopping 200%. You can only imagine how the better-than-average businesses are doing.

32. Almost half of marketers operate with a monthly PPC budget under $50,000.

(Source: Search Marketing)

Although most companies agree that PPC helps them a lot, 49% of them only see the need to spend less than $50K/month for PPC traffic. More than a quarter spend $50-250K. Only 3% of advertisers spend over $5 million on their PPC campaigns every month.

33. The average cost per click is between $1 and $2.

(Source: Wordstream)

The average cost for display advertisements (the ads on websites, not in the search results) is under $1.

Now, imagine you are the owner of a grocery store and you want to advertise it online. You choose Google Ads to promote your store. The average CPC for your business is $0.42. This will be your Google advertising cost for every customer you attract.

Google doesn’t make this much money because of $0.42 keywords, though. Let’s see what Google search statistics have to say about that.

Here we go.

34. Best motorcycle accident lawyer is the most expensive keyword (KW).

(Source: Fraud Blocker)

Get ready to see some serious money…

A January 2022 analysis of 5K most expensive keywords concluded that “Best motorcycle accident lawyer”  unquestionably takes the first place (having 19.4% of the search items).

The #1 keyword has about 1,300 searches monthly. But what’s Google’s pay-per-click price for it? Over $600!

The second most expensive was an “18-wheeler accident attorney” with 1,200 searches, each costing over $350 per click. The third place is reserved for “Semi-truck accident attorney,”  with 1,100 searches at the exact cost as its competitor.

35. 40% of brands and agencies think their PPC budget is lower than it should be.

(Source: Search Marketing)

Things are bound to change, though. Most advertisers who use PPC ads report good results. More than that, over half of them plan to increase their PPC budget for 2022.

The CPCs widely differ, depending on the industry and platform. Make sure you do the math before you start a PPC campaign! This will allow you to pace yourself and spend your budget more effectively.

For example – if you want to use PPC ads on LinkedIn, your minimum cost will be $2 per click.

I want to repeat that.

The minimum cost.

Alright, so despite making so much money - Google is still better than most in terms of value offered.

You've probably heard how Google collects information on mostly all its users. There is a good reason for that. Actually, several billion reasons.

36. Google search statistics report there are 8.5 billion searches every day.

(Source: Oberlo)

That amounts to over 80,000 searches a second!

Such Google search stats put a simple truth in numbers. Google is enormous beyond belief…

37. Google’s Q1 2022 advertising revenue was $54.7 billion.

(Source: Search Engine Land)

The number was up 22% from the previous quarter’s still impressive $44.7 billion.

Let’s compare and contrast the performance of separate Google features or software:

Google Search brought in $39.6 billion in Q1 2022 vs. Q4 2021’s $31.9 billion. Google Network also contributed by bringing $8.2 billion at the beginning of 2022 as opposed to $6.8 billion at the end of last year. Last but not least, YouTube made $6.9 billion—up 14% from Q4 2021 ($6 billion).

38. 90% of internet users see Google display ads.

(Source: Power Traffick)

If you want to talk efficiency – Google Ads does it right! Despite the increased number of ad-blockers and the rise of social media advertising – Google is still among the best choices for investors.

Time-machine fact – the first Google Ads’ (AdWords back then) ad appeared in the year 2000. It promoted live mail-order lobsters.

39. 80% of businesses focus on Google Ads for PPC ad campaigns.

(Source: LyfeMarketing)

If your competitors use Google PPC ads, maybe you should too. If they can make ads profitable, it’s a matter of time before you learn the ropes as well.

40. 78% of marketers advertise on Google Ads and social media.

(Source: Formstack)

Undoubtedly Google’s websites and social media are the best channels to reach your potential customers. Both B2B and B2C businesses focus their efforts on Google Ads, Facebook Ads, LinkedIn Ads, and Twitter Ads. Yikes, that’s a lot of ads!

Why is that?

YouTube and social media are where people spend most of their time online.

Therefore, if you want people to click your ads (and even find them at all) – these are the places you’d want to spend your money on.

PPC Statistics for Social Media

PPC is so effective that some social media platforms went out of their ways to incorporate them in the user experience.

41. The average cost per click of Facebook ads is $1.72.

(Source: Wordstream)

Average means that you can probably go lower, depending on your industry. Facebook’s Power editor is designed to help you do just that.

There, you can adjust all kinds of details about your campaign – from your target audience to ad bids.

Facebook pay-per-click ads don’t differ much from Google Ads in that regard.

Unsurprisingly – the finance and insurance industries have to pay more on Facebook as well. The average CPC for this industry is $3.77.

42. By the end of 2022, $226 billion will be spent on social ads.

(Source: Statista)

American companies continue to shell out billions of dollars yearly for social media ad campaigns.

We consulted the latest social ads statistics and found that spending is estimated to show an 11.24% CAGR between 2022 and 2027. These cover paid advertising on social networks, games, and apps on social media.

43. LinkedIn controls 14.6% of the PPC ads market share.

(Source: Formstack)

According to Formstack’s statistics, Facebook ads were most attractive to 21.5% of marketing agencies. Second is LinkedIn with 14.6%, and Twitter comes third 12.4%.

Naturally, LinkedIn ads are usually B2B, while Facebook ads target more customers than businesses. Twitter strikes an almost perfect balance between B2B and B2C ads.

We can’t talk about social media without mentioning:

The Mobile PPC Stats

Smartphones change user behavior, marketing, SEO, gaming, and whatnot.

44. 53% of PPC ads clicks come from mobile devices.

(Source: Power Traffick)

It doesn’t take a giant leap of the imagination to figure out you need an optimized website for mobile devices. If you haven’t done this already, you’re missing out on a lot of opportunities. Over half of paid clicks come from mobile devices.

45. 60% of mobile users click on a PPC ad at least once a week.

(Source: Businesswire)

The PPC rate for mobile devices looks promising. Almost two-thirds of users click on an ad, and 20% make at least one purchase per week. That’s a fantastic conversion rate for mobile ads.

Also, 69% of mobile users call the business directly from Google search.

46. Google’s 2022 share in the online ads market is 29%.

(Source: The Guardian)

Google boasted a 35% income increase from 2020 to 2021—this amounted to $61.2 billion in 2021 (up from 2020’s $46.2 billion). Experts predict that by the end of 2022, the tech giant will grab 29% of the entire $602 billion global digital ad market.

47. 81% of US ad-block users use them to prevent annoying ads.

(Source: Insider Intelligence)

Let’s face it—some ads are outright infuriating, especially if you're in the middle of watching something.

Ads statistics reveal that 81% of people filter out the most irritating of them by using blockers. Though, they will grow further as most new antivirus solutions and VPN services have built-in ad-blockers.


Okay, ladies and gents – we looked at the search engines statistics, as well as those for social media and mobile. We discovered a wide variety of PPC stats and found out they are a suitable and profitable way to reach customers.

A PPC campaign done correctly can lead to impressive conversion rates. Those, in turn, can provide your business with the new clients it needs to grow.


What is a good PPC conversion rate?

For search, it is around 3.75% and for display networks, it is 0.77%.

How effective is PPC?

Potentially very effective, according to PPC stats. Make sure to pick keywords with low CPC and high CTR.

What percentage of Google ads are clicked?

2% - that’s the average click-through rate for PPC ads. However, results displaying at the top of the page can be as high as 8%.


Deyan Georgiev

Deyan Georgiev

Deyan has been fascinated by technology his whole life. From the first Tetris game all the way to Falcon Heavy. Working for TechJury is like a dream come true, combining both his passions – writing and technology. In his free time (which is pretty scarce, thanks to his three kids), Deyan enjoys traveling and exploring new places. Always with a few chargers and a couple of gadgets in the backpack. He makes mean dizzying Island Paradise cocktails too.

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